Thursday, June 10, 2010

Testimonial for AIESEC Delhi

Deepansha Trivedi, VP ICX of AIESEC Delhi, requested that I write a testimonial of our experience working with SSS here in India. Here it is. My next project will be a video testimonial for my family back in AIESEC AdMU, Philippines!

Nothing prepares you for an AIESEC traineeship in India. I tried reading as much as I could on the country's history, culture and people; however, nothing informs you more of India than truly being immersed in its unique, multifaceted and bewildering beauty. It's true that the India you see in every 10 kilometers is always as different as the last. The work itself has also surpassed my expectations. With 6 other AIESEC interns from 5 different countries, I've explored tourist and remote places alike, and have gained so much knowledge from listening to the life experiences of people I've met in my work areas. Development work has never been more real to me than here. Every day is an adventure, and I love every moment of it. This kind of experience is so uniquely AIESEC, and I am truly grateful to my LC in the Philippines and my host, AIESEC Delhi, for having provided me this opportunity.

Roanna Medina
AIESEC AdMU, Philippines

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